Pictures of some of my latest finds
An update on Rusty Cottage
An update on Rusty Cottage
OK, I am going to start over on the left.
White, oval frame with birdies on it - Garage Sale .50
Creamy Hydrangea Stems - Michael's .39 each
Jar of buttons - Antique Mall $5
Vintage Vanity Mirror - Antique Mall $10
2 Round French Toile Decorative Containers - Michael's $3.50 for both
Greenish, goldish wall shelf "thingy" - Garage Sale $1
Tiny cream and sage "dresser" - Michael's $5
Small, round, vintage rose mirror - Flea Market .50
Small yellow floral stems - Michael's $1.15 each
Vintage hankies - Bargain Barn, Flea Market & Antique Mall - From .50 to $3The little bird house is for Addy's room. From the flea market ($1.50)
The white, lace cloth underneath is from DAV Thrift Store
and says Quaker on the tag. ($4.50)

Will keep you posted!

My goodness! I have been a bad blogger this past week. I can't believe it has been a week since my last post! I have been a busy bee. I have so many projects that need finished or began...sometimes I feel like I am in over my head. One of my biggest projects (besides gutting and remodeling the house) is finishing Addy's scrapbook from her first year of life. I am WAY behind on that! I have completed several pages but haven't even gotten to her birth yet...geez...I feel like a bad mom :(
Hubby and I were beginning to feel like maybe we shouldn't be taking on the huge burden of remodeling the cottage or at least not right now. We are still on the fence. Last week we were leaning more to the side of staying where we are for now and just doing a little bit at a time. And now we are leaning to the side of the fence that has hubby taking next Friday off to go to the bank to see if we can get a loan to get things done quicker. UGH! I, being the woman, just want to know when or if I can start picking out paint colors and decorations. Hubby's job has a lot to do with whether or not we move. His job is closer to the cottage, but there are several "factors" that are holding us back a little (i.e. pay rate, small town dilemmas, family, etc.)
Please keep us in your prayers that God will show us which direction to go. It is so hard not being able to see into the future, ya know? Have a wonderful day to all my sweet readers!
Hubby and I were beginning to feel like maybe we shouldn't be taking on the huge burden of remodeling the cottage or at least not right now. We are still on the fence. Last week we were leaning more to the side of staying where we are for now and just doing a little bit at a time. And now we are leaning to the side of the fence that has hubby taking next Friday off to go to the bank to see if we can get a loan to get things done quicker. UGH! I, being the woman, just want to know when or if I can start picking out paint colors and decorations. Hubby's job has a lot to do with whether or not we move. His job is closer to the cottage, but there are several "factors" that are holding us back a little (i.e. pay rate, small town dilemmas, family, etc.)
Please keep us in your prayers that God will show us which direction to go. It is so hard not being able to see into the future, ya know? Have a wonderful day to all my sweet readers!
Anna! So good to "see" you. My oh my you have been busy treasure hunting haven't you? You've got some great finds there. I made a few myself this past Saturday (LOL). I can only imagine the decisions you have to make regarding the cottage, job, etc. I'll be sure to keep you guys in prayer.
Hugs and have a fab day!
Go where your heart is leading you.
Thats god's whisper and it will only lead you to happiness.
Life can be an amazing adventure or it can be something you endure. Two yrs ago we followed the whisper and although not without hardship it has been the best decision ever.
We moved to the home we really wanted and now we love our home. My husband has been laid off but it all worked out and now he has a better job. My husband has gone back to school and now he has a goal. I am starting a new business venture and feel like this is only the beginning of something big and fulfilling.
Dream of opening an antique booth. Start acting now. It doesn't take as much as you think. You already spend time treasure hunting. All you really have to do is pop in once a week or even less to check up on your things. The shop keeper takes care of the selling.
Seize the day.
Hi Anna! You have found many great treasures! I love them all! Will be praying for you guys! Tough decisions to be made for sure!
Have a great day!
as someone who feels like my life's choices are on hold while I pray for God to show me how to move- I am saying a prayer for you...
the finds you have are amazing! you must live somewhere incredible because I've saled and thrifted till my feet ache and I find NOTHING...
Anna, I can relate to your concerns. We are facing the same situations right now. But, like This Simple Life said, go to where your heart takes you. You will get that "feeling" (God speaking to you) about what to do. Follow that feeling. Good luck!!
Love your sweet finds. It will all be beautimous!!
When we get overwhelmed with decisions and life, it is always best to seek His wisdom because only He knows which direction we are supposed to go. So many times I have taken the wrong road and I knew it. Be blessed and know that He will guide you.
What wonderful finds you made. Love all your little treasures!
I'm sure you'll make the right decision regarding the move/cottage. We had a similar dilema a year ago, and when my hubby and I prayed together as a couple, God answered loud and clear. It may not have been MY choice, but it's turning out to be the best choice.
Patricia :o)
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